40 Electric Vehicle Technology
Level 6
Unit Aim
The aim of this unit is to introduce learners to the fundamental engineering and technology related to electric vehicles. Electrical vehicle technology came into being as a result of the negative environmental impacts of fossil fuels being used by internal combustion engine vehicles as well as the depletion of fossil fuels which may affect the powering of vehicles in the future.
In this unit, learners will learn about the historical development, recent development and state-of-the-art electric vehicles (EVs) and hybrid electric vehicles (HEVs). They will also learn about EV systems and EV parameters, energy sources and batteries with respect to EVs, EV infrastructure, EV Impacts on power systems, energy, environment and the economy.
On successful completion of this unit, the student will be able to appreciate the reasoning behind the invention of EVs, the EV technology, infrastructure needed for EVs and their impacts in the society at large.
Learning Outcomes
During this unit, you will cover the below four learning outcomes:
LO1: Understand the evolution and development of electric vehicles (EVs) and hybrid electric vehicles (HEVs) as well as the description of EV systems and parameters
LO2: Understand HEV systems, configurations and drives
LO3: Understand the energy sources needed for EV operation and the hybridisation of these sources
LO4: Understand EV infrastructure and the impact of EVs on power systems, economic and environmental issues