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Kirchhoff’s current and voltage laws

Kirchhoff’s current and voltage laws In our last article, we looked at the principles and operation of a d.c motor.  In this article, we’re going to investigate Kirchoff’s current and voltage laws, as well as how to apply them to engineering problems. Kirchoff’s law of  current Kirchoff’s law of current states that the algebraic sum […]

What are the principles of operation of a DC electric motor?

What are the principles of operation of a DC electric motor? In our last article, we looked at the electrical parameters in series and parallel electrical circuits.  In this article, we’re going to dive into the principles of operation of a DC electric motor. The motor effect When a current-carrying conductor is placed on a […]

What are the electrical parameters in series and parallel electrical networks?

What are the electrical parameters in series and parallel electrical networks? In our last article, we looked at the principles of operation of electrical cells.  In this article we’re going to move on to the electrical parameters in both series and parallel electrical networks. When we have circuits with more than one resistor, we need […]